eMissal now includes Music


The industry-standard e-book edition of the English eMissal now includes all the music for Holy Week and the Easter Triduum, as well as the Ordinary of the Mass (including the fifty main Prefaces) and some of the music for the seasons of the year (Ash Wednesday – Pentecost). The ePub version of the Missal is in full colour and is optimised for viewing on 7″ – 10″ devices. An updated edition suitable for the Kindle will follow after Easter.

Although ICEL has not approved any eMissal version for use in liturgy, one of the requirements that they asked for before considering approval was that the e-book version should include the Musical notation, so this new version is a step towards complying with that request. Sometimes I have separated the musical sections from the text-only sections (such as the Communion Rite) while in other places I have placed the music directly after the text – similar to the printed Missal.

The file is available for download now at: https://liturgy.com.au/