
New Kindle version of eMissal now available

9 September 2012


Over the weekend I have been able to create and post new versions of the both the ePub and Kindle editions of the Roman Missal (3rd edition); for the first time the Kindle edition now includes all of the music of the ePub edition, as well as the corrections of a number of minor errors…

eMissal now includes Music

31 March 2012


  The industry-standard e-book edition of the English eMissal now includes all the music for Holy Week and the Easter Triduum, as well as the Ordinary of the Mass (including the fifty main Prefaces) and some of the music for the seasons of the year (Ash Wednesday – Pentecost). The ePub version of the Missal…

New eMissal now available

9 November 2011


The Cover of the epub and mobi editions. The new translation of the Roman Missal has been available for use in Australia since Pentecost Sunday this year, but the text only becomes compulsory from the First Sunday in Advent (27 November 2011). This is also the first time that the text will be used at…