Giving of Consent

Option A

 The bridegroom says:

 I, N., take you, N., to be my wife.
I promise to be faithful to you,
in good times and in bad,
in sickness and in health,
to love you and to honour you
all the days of my life.

The bride says:

 I, N., take you, N., to be my husband.
I promise to be faithful to you,
in good times and in bad,
in sickness and in health,
to love you and to honour you
all the days of my life.


Option B

The bridegroom says:

I, N., take you, N., for my lawful wife,
to have and to hold, from this day forward,
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
until death do us part.

 The bride says:

I, N., take you, N., for my lawful husband,
to have and to hold, from this day forward,
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
until death do us part.


The Reception of the Consent

May the Lord in his kindness strengthen the consent
you have declared before the Church,
and graciously bring tofulfilmenthis blessing within you.
What God joins together, let no one put asunder.


May the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob,
the God who joined together our first parents in paradise,
strengthen and bless in Christ
the consent you have declared before the Church,
so that what God joins together, no one may put asunder.

R. Amen.

The Priest invites those present to praise God:

Let us bless the Lord.
All reply: Thanks be to God.
Another acclamation may be sung or said.

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