16B – 18 July 2021

16B – 18 July 2021

Some Lonely Place

Message by: Fr Richard M Healey

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  • NB. The first attempt at livestreaming Mass from St Columbkille’s – had a number of technical problems!
    The linked video now contains the audio.

We listen to Mark 6 tonight, and join Jesus and the disciples as they hear the terrible news that “King” Herod the Tetrarch has, during a magnificent banquet, executed John the Baptiser. So while Jesus needs to find some space to rest, he also needs space to grieve. With the others, they set across the lake to escape to a favourite lonely place (eremos topos) – but unfortunately it is well-known by the crowds and they somehow manage to run ahead and arrive, with even more people, before the boat makes it across the lake. So when they arrive, there is the crowd. Jesus sees their needs and knows that they are like sheep without a shepherd. So, having compassion upon them, he sets about to teach them at some length.

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