Anakephalaiosasthai – recapitulating all things in Christ

12croppedIt quickly becomes clear that Jesus never intended the new movement of the Lord that he established to begin and end with him. Once the disciples are able, he send them out as well. Not only to tell people about the name and work of Jesus – like so many others who were recipients of the mighty work of God must already have been doing – but also to act and speak with his power and authority which included casting out demons and healing the sick. We see here the future ministry of the church beginning to be experienced and lived by the first followers of Jesus.

When they later reflected upon this ministry, they began to realise that all the many things that they were living and experiencing had their meaning and purpose in the Anointed and Risen One – Jesus. This is the central theme in the ecstatic prayer that Paul uses to begin this new letter which we will journey with over the next seven weeks – the letter to the church in Ephesus. At the highpoint of this great prayer of blessing, Paul makes a utterly bold claim and declaration – that God planned to bring unity to all thing in and through Christ the head. The unusual word that he uses to make this point is only used here and again (with a very different meaning) in Romans 13:9 – it is the little word “anakephalaiosasthai” – and it can help to make sense of all of our lives.

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Recorded at St Col’s, Vigil and Sunday morning (which included the baptism of three children and the full reception of an adult)

Sunday 15, Year B.

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