For many Christians, our faith is as people of the book. This is especially true as a result of the Protestant reformation. Yet the bible can sometimes serve to muzzle the active and dynamic relational quality of life with God. Many people relate to the opening line of 1 Samuel 3:1 – that the ‘word of the Lord was rare in those days.’
John testifies to Jesus: → behold the lamb of God (just as predicted by the prologue) 2 disciples follow Jesus as a direct result of John’s witness. Then he disappears from the scene (if 3:24). These disciples were already followers of John-they give up a religious commitment as disciples of John & now follow Jesus.

- Everything in this scene operates on at least 2 levels: literal & metaphorical.
- “What are you looking for?” A question for all!
- No demarcation in John- ‘disciples’ is very broad. No 12 apostles so described.
- The story of the 2 new disciples is incomplete until their witness brings others to Jesus.
- Jesus has many titles – he meets many different needs.
- Many Verbs ⇒ follow, see, seek, stay, find. All active, not passive.
Watch the message:
Sunday 02, Year B. John 1:35-42