- Sunday 21, in Year C.
Jesus continues his road trip from Galilee to Jerusalem, which he begins in Luke 9:51 (eight weeks back on Sunday 13C) – heading for suffering and death. He knows the reality of rejection and disciples dropping off when the novelty wore off. He continues to invite us into God’s greater purpose for humanity – for blessing into life. That is what salvation brings. But as is so often the case with Jesus, he doesn’t provide a direct answer to the person who asks the questions if only a few will be saved. Instead of a quick answer, he responds with a story that invites deeper and continuing reflection. Our church is beginning to see the wisdom of this. We once taught in very black and white ways about salvation – indicating who was in and out. But now, in humility, we are more likely to embrace the mystery of the story and realise that Jesus is once again inviting us more deeply into love.
- First Reading ‡ Isaiah 66:18-21
They will gather all of your people from all nations. - Responsorial ‡ Psalm 116
Go out to all the world and tell the Good News. - Second Reading ‡ Hebrews 12:5-7.11-13
The Lord disciplines those he loves. - Gospel ‡ Luke 13:22-30
From East and West they will come to take their place in the kingdom of God.