Called and chosen to love

tumblr_nm6telHK2j1qzmz4co1_500We often struggle with some very basic questions – like who are we? When we meet people for the first time, conversations invariably begin with a process of classification – so, what do you do? Where do you live? The Gospel today takes us to a much deeper place in our relationship with God. It begins with the declaration that we have been loved into existence by a God who is love. Although God has no need of our love or friendship, the love that is shared by the Trinity is so abundant that it longs to overflow and share it with us as well. It is this love that called us and chose us so that we might experience something of the very joy that Jesus already experiences as a result of his relationship with the father.

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Recorded at St Col’s (Vigil and 9am available)
Sunday Easter 6, Year B.
Acts 10:25~48; I John 4:7-10; John 15:9-17

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