Roll the stone away from the stink

This most powerful healing story – perhaps the ultimate miracle with the raising of a man four-days dead – begins so simply with a description of the fact that a man called Lazarus was ill. Most of our English biblical names have come to us via the Latin Vulgate translation. In the original Hebrew, Lararus would have been called El’Azar – which means God helps and he lived with his two sisters Miryam and Marta in Bethany (or Biet’Anyah, which means ‘house of the afflicted’) – an appropriate place for someone who was ill. El’Azar then becomes a sign for anyone who is afflicted in anyway, and who needs the help of God. So why does Yeshua (Jesus) wait two days to visit his beloved friends?

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Recorded at St Francis Xavier Cathedral, 9.00am (12’06”)
Lent Sunday 5A. John 11:1-45

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