The word revealed in the sight of all the nations

We are reminded in the prologue to the Gospel of John of the incredible power of the word of God – a word that changed the course of human history in ways that we will never understand. Some of the most defining moments in human history have been shaped and defined by human words – speeches like that of Abraham Lincoln at the declaration of the Gettysburg Memorial during the American Civil War (19 Nov 1863); or the words of Pastor Martin King Jnr on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington almost a century later (28 August 1963); or the words declared by Pope John Paul in Victory Square in Warslaw soon after he was elected pope, on his first visit to his homeland in June 1979. Human words have such power. How much more the word of God?

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Christmas Day – Mass during the day.
St JohnVianney Church, 8.30am (10’54”)

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