Goat or Calf?

During this Mass for the Anointing of the Sick, the Gospel of Lent week 2 Saturday was from Luke 15 – the parable of the Prodigal Son. We often focus on the younger son, but this brief reflection looks at the older son and compares the two by way of the two animals that the guests gather around in the party that is held to honour the return of the younger son – the fattened calf and the scrawny goat.

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Recorded at Mater Dolorosa, 9am Mass (4’45”)
Note, the first word of the recording was cut-off: it should be ‘To…”

The recording was made with the iPhone sitting on the pulpit, so the quality is not as good – but not bad.
Thanks also go to Rob Bell for the insights about the goat and calf in his new book, ‘Love Wins.’

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