Year B

Teaching with authority

31 January 2009

Season of Growth, Year B

The words and teaching of Jesus were always closely united. This was clearly the intention of God from the beginning – this was the way that he wanted for his people. God wants us to know the truth, and he wants us to be changed by our encounter with him. This is only possible when…

Samuel and discipleship

18 January 2009

Discipleship, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year B

The call to discipleship is strongly expressed in these readings – Andrew inviting his brother Simon to meet the Lord. Having spent the week at Summer School of Evangelisation in Bathurst, many young people want to know how to discern the will of the Lord. In the first reading from 1 Samuel 3, we see…

Saying ‘yes’ to God

21 December 2008

Advent, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year B

Advent Sunday 4 (Year B) – 21 Dec 2008 We are presented with the powerful image of the virgin Mary,’deeply disturbed’ by the angel Gabriel’s message – and yet she says ‘yes’ to the Lord with all her heart. The great contrast is between Mary’s ‘yes’ and the desire of King David (2 Sam) to…

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