L2C – Lent Sunday 2

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Recordings are based on the Australian Lectionary, using the draft texts of the Revised New Jerusalem Bible (RNJB) with Revised Grail Psalms.
The current lectionary readings, based on the Jerusalem Bible (JB) with Grail Psalms are also available for download below.

First Reading ‡ Genesis 15:5-12.17-18

God made a covenant with Abraham, his faithful servant.

Responsorial ‡ Psalm 26:1.7-9.13-14

The Lord is my light and my salvation.

Second Reading [longer form] ‡ Philippians 3:17-4:1

Christ will transfigure these bodies of ours into copies of his glorious body.

Gospel ‡ Luke 9:28-36

As Jesus prayed, the aspect of his face was changed, and his clothing became brilliant as lightning.

Season of Lent

The audio recordings include the draft text of the new Australian Lectionary, based on the Revised New Jerusalem Bible (RNJB) with the Revised Grail Psalms.

Recordings of the Liturgy of the Word prepared by Fr Richard Healey.

Published: 07 Mar 2022
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