
Empty Mirror

3 September 2023

Year A

Fr Richard delivers a thought-provoking homily centered around the nature of a mirror and its ability to reverse our way of thinking. Drawing parallels to the ongoing experience of COVID-19 in NSW, the speaker reflects on past lockdowns and the new skills people had to acquire, such as cutting their own hair. Moving on to…


6 August 2023

Solemnity, Year A

Sometimes we have an experience that was so sublime, so magical, so amazing – that we struggle to even share all its details with a close friend. Even when it is photographed, and videoed, and instagrammed to within a millimetre of its life, some things can defy simple, adequate descriptions. Maybe the event wasn’t even…

Guided by a cloud

5 March 2023

Lent, Seasons

To have a sense of where you’re going is something that is so crucial. We all now take it for granted with our phones offering us GPS and our cars giving us guidance and direction along the way. But it’s still within our living memory of what it was like to try and find your…

Salt and Light

5 February 2023

Season of Growth, Year A

First Reading ‡ Isaiah 58:7-10Your light will shine like the dawn. Responsorial ‡ Psalm 111:4-9A light rises in the darkness for the upright. Second Reading ‡ 1 Corinthians 2:1-5I came to you to proclaim Christ crucified. Gospel ‡ Matthew 5:13-16You are the light of the world.  Generated Transcript: So, we continue to read through…

Transformed by love

1 May 2022

Easter, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year C

Easter 3C Last week the disciples were locked away – together in fear, distress, grief and anxiety. Jesus came and stood among them. Shalom! Peace be with you. He showed them the wounds in his hands and his side. He breathes the breathe of new life, the gift of the Holy Spirit upon them. He…

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