Discipleship 4 – Moved by compassion

arton19176Arriving at the fourth part of this series on being disciples of Jesus, we are given the provocative question by a lawyer – what must I do to inherit the life of the age to come? True to form, Jesus does not provide a direct answer, but instead asks a question – what does the law say? What do you read there? In the other gospels, it is Jesus himself who provides this bringing together of two different strands of the law – to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength (only three of these are found in the original Hebrew text, or in the Greek translation) from the Shema in Deuteronomy 6, combined with the call to love our neighbour as ourselves from Leviticus 19. Because this commandment is so difficult, we also want some wriggle room to evade being judged by such a strong teaching. Yet, the call of the Lord is very clear. It is only the one who showed mercy who was the true neighbour. And we show mercy not just in binding wounds, or providing food, but also whenever we speak truth into another person’s life – whenever we offer them the only hope that any of us absolutely need – to know and be known by Jesus the Christ.

Recorded at St Paul’s, 7.30am (15 mins)
Sunday 15, Year C. Luke 10:25-37

Reflection video: Come be my light (Liturgically Sound)

View the Presentation Slides
Communion Reflection Song: Good Good Father (Chris Tomlin)

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