The hope of the Lord’s coming

During the month of November, there is a tradition of remembering the dead and praying for them – particularly during the Eucharist. Our liturgy this Sunday provides an opportunity to reflect upon this practice in the light of the Lord’s coming and the judgement. When Paul writes his earliest letter, to the Thessalonians, he still had an expectancy that Jesus would come again soon. He knew that everything was now different because of the resurrection of Jesus, which was the first fruits of the new creation that God would bring about. So he describes the reasons that the church has to live in hope – even as we pray and mourn for those who have already died. We continue to do the same.

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Recorded at St Paul’s (9’20”)

Sunday 32, Year A: 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18; Matthew 25: 1-13.

This was ‘Thanksgiving Sunday’ – the culmination of a four week ‘Planned Growth Mission’ renewal program; the homily was replaced by a video presentation as a lead-in to the pledge renewal, so I didn’t actually preach this homily – it is just some thoughts on the readings today.

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