Blessed Virgin Mary

Mary says ‘yes’

25 March 2023


The Annunciation of the Lord (25 March 2023) This feast originated in the East during the sixth century and gained universal observance in the West during the eighth century. It is a feast of the Lord, commemorating the announcement to the Virgin Mary of the Word made flesh, Mary’s acceptance of God’s will, and the…

Being Blessed

31 December 2022

Christmas, Seasons, Solemnity

Mary, Mother of God – Octave Day of Christmas My dear mother has kept a diary all her adult life. It does not contain her deepest thoughts, feelings or secrets, but it is an accurate chronicle of the events in her life and that of our family, with all the comings and goings, trips and…

The first fruits of the new creation

14 August 2022

New Creation, Solemnity, Teaching

First Reading ‡ Revelation 11:19; 12:1-6.10I saw a woman clothed with the sun and with the moon beneath her feet. Responsorial ‡ Psalm 44:10-12.16The queen stands at your right hand, arrayed in gold. Second Reading ‡ 1 Corinthians 15:20-27aAs members of Christ all people will be raised, Christ first, and after him all who belong…

Responding in Love

19 December 2021

Advent, Seasons

Fourth Sunday in Advent, Year C. First Reading ‡ Micah 5:1- 4Responsorial ‡ Psalm 79:2-3.15-16.18-19Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved.Second Reading ‡ Hebrews 10:5-10Gospel ‡ Luke 1:39-44Play MP3Watch video (I forgot that I am tall)Readings What is your favourite scene in the life of Mary?…

Taking human flesh

19 December 2020

Advent, Seasons

When Paul wanted to convey his most developed and longest letter to the half-dozen or so house churches in the city of Rome, he needed to find someone who understood exactly what he wanted to say, who perhaps was able to memorise the letter word-for-word and who knew how to interpret the letter and perform…

Grace impels us to go in haste

23 December 2018

Advent, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year C

The liturgy through the season of Advent provides events and characters to meditate upon. We are joined by Hebrew Testament prophets in our journey who express the hopes and longings of the generations of people for the Messiah to come. In the weekday Masses, Isaiah provides the main voice, but in our Sunday Masses, we…

How is this woman mother of God?

1 January 2017

Christmas, Seasons, Solemnity

The understanding that Mary – a seemingly ordinary teenager growing up in Judea or Galilee who happened to be visited by the archangel Gabriel to hear the announcement that she would become the virgin mother of the saviour, who would be called Jesus – thereby becoming the mother of this unique person who was both…

Compassion raises the dead

5 June 2016

Season of Growth, Solemnity, Year C

This seventh chapter of the Gospel of Luke begins with two stories of healing: the first is the healing of the Centurion’s slave; the second is our gospel story today – the raising from the dead of the son of a widow in the town of Nain. In the first story the healing comes at the…

Epiphany – the nativity in the Gospel of Matthew

4 January 2015

Christmas, Epiphany, Seasons

So we arrive at the feast of the Epiphany and the customary three wise men make their way from their hiding place elsewhere on the sanctuary or in the sacristy to their appointed places in the manger nativity scene, joining the shepherds, angels and animals in adoration beside the holy family. All very standard and…

Mary and Gabriel

21 December 2014

Advent, Seasons

The scene that is presented in the Gospel today is one of my favourites. We read from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 1, verses 26-38. The angel Gabriel appears to announce the birth of a child and follows the pattern established in the Hebrew Scriptures: the angel says, ‘do not be afraid’; the recipient is…

A strange kind of king

6 July 2014

Season of Growth, Year A

Even though across its long history Israel had very little to make it stand out – one thing that is notable is the honesty with which it tells its story. So although it could never claim to be the largest, wealthiest, most powerful or most influential nation, perhaps it can lay claim to being the one…

Presentation of the Older Brother

2 February 2014

Discipleship, Solemnity, Teaching

The feast of the Presentation of the Lord, celebrated forty days after Christmas, brings the nativity stories to an end. It is a very Jewish feastday, concerned as it is with the purification of the mother after giving birth to a son (the purification period was doubled for the birth of a daughter – WTF?)…

Joseph as model in the holy family

29 December 2013

Discipleship, Teaching

Although each of the five stories that St Matthew tells in the beginning of his Gospel about the birth of Jesus ends with a statement such as “this occurred so that words spoken by the prophet may be fulfilled,” the final line of the Gospel tonight, that Jesus “will be called a Nazarene” does not…

Timely weddings

20 January 2013

Season of Growth, Year C

‘Nuptial imagery rings through the bible like peals of wedding bells’ (Bishop Tom Wright) Today we have the fourth of the great epiphanies – when the true identity of Jesus is revealed. Although it may be tempting to imagine the scene of the wedding at Cana as a contrast between the stale water of Judaism…

Grace impels us to go in haste

22 December 2012

Advent, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year C

The liturgy through the season of Advent provides events and characters to meditate upon. We are joined by Hebrew Testament prophets in our journey who express the hopes and longings of the generations of people for the Messiah to come. In the weekday Masses, Isaiah provides the main voice, but in our Sunday Masses, we…

Mustard Seed Mary

17 June 2012

Discipleship, Teaching

Even though as a family we would gather to pray the Rosary every night, I have never had a strong devotion to Mary, and some forms of Marian devotion have been a real turn-off for me. So when I was discerning which Diocese to join, the fact that the Patronal Feast of the Diocese of…

Blessed by the face of God

1 January 2012

Christmas, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year B

In the perception of the so-called general public, when people think about God – if indeed they ever think about God, the idea that will probably be conjured would be more like the idea of the force from Star Wars, then the biblical reality of God. Likewise, the idea of heaven as somewhere up there…

Mary and the Ark

15 August 2010

The liturgy of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin presents a cacophony of images to us: the Ark of the Covenant in the temple of heaven; a woman clothed with the sun with the moon at her feet and a crown of twelve stars; a pug-ugly, fearsome and hungry dragon; and then by contrast the…

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