
Hope along the road

23 April 2023

Easter, Seasons

Sunday 3 in Easter, Year A In this Catholic Mass, we celebrate the 3rd Sunday of Easter with a focus on the Gospel of the road to Emmaus (Luke 24). Join us in exploring the theme of Hope along the road as we reflect on the journey of the disciples on their way to Emmaus….

Christmas Reversals by night

24 December 2022

Christmas, Seasons

We are all very familiar with the Christmas story and the Christmas Gospel that we just read from the Luke 2. But in some ways the story is even more familiar than we think – and yet still radically different. For we all know stories that begin about the rich and famous. Our newspapers and…

Christmas Reversals by day

24 December 2022

Christmas, Seasons

We are all very familiar with the Christmas story and the Christmas Gospel that we just read from the Luke 2. But in some ways the story is even more familiar than we think – and yet still radically different. For we all know stories that begin about the rich and famous. Our newspapers and…

Invitation to Paradise

20 November 2022

Season of Growth, Solemnity, Year C

The Solemnity of Jesus the Christ, the King of the Universe First Reading ‡ 2 Samuel 5:1-3 They anointed David king of Israel. Responsorial ‡ Psalm 121:1-5 Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord. Second Reading ‡ Colossians 1:12-20 He has taken us into the kingdom of his beloved Son. Gospel ‡…

Being Found

11 September 2022

Season of Growth, Year C

Sunday 24, Year C 3 Parables of Joy. Finding what was lost. Jesus hosts the tax collectors & sinners as his special, honoured guests. The accusation thrown against Jesus regularly – behold a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners. A refrain. When we hear a set of parables like this,…

All are welcome

27 August 2022

Season of Growth, Year C

Sunday 22 in Year C First Reading ‡ Sirach 3:17-20.27-28Humble yourself and you will find favour with the Lord.Responsorial ‡ Psalm 67:4-7.10-11God, in your goodness, you have made a home for the poor. Second Reading ‡ Hebrews 12:18-19.22-24You have to come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God.Gospel ‡ Luke 14:1.7-14All…

Jesus set his face

26 June 2022

Season of Growth, Year C

Sunday 13 in Year C.Patronal Feast of the Diocese of Wollongong: The Immaculate Heart of Mary First Reading ‡ 1 Kings 19:16.19-21Elisha rose and followed Elijah and became his servant. Responsorial ‡ Psalm 15:1-2.5.7-11You are my inheritance, O Lord. Second Reading ‡ Galatians 5:1.13-18My brothers, you were called to freedom. Gospel ‡ Luke 9:51-62Jesus resolutely…

Lost & Found

11 September 2016

Season of Growth, Year C

We read the whole of the fifteenth chapter of Luke’s gospel today – which begins with this description of the annoyance of the religious types that Jesus was mixing with the wrong kinds of people – the tax collectors and sinners. In response, Jesus offers these three beautiful parables – the last two of which…

Are you saved?

21 August 2016

Season of Growth, Year C

The Gospel today begins with our first reminder since the end of chapter nine, that Jesus is continuing to teach and minister along the road towards his suffering and death in the city of Jerusalem. Someone asks a question: Will there only be a few who are saved? Now that is a good question, if ever…

Moving Mercy – part 4 – two books

6 March 2016

Lent, Seasons, Series, Teaching

“A man had two sons. So begins one of the most moving and beautiful stories that Jesus told – Luke 15. We have often called this parable “The Prodigal Son” but that removes some of the richness – because all three characters are essential to this story – the prodigal son, the waiting father and…

The law of four – part 4 (The Infancy Narratives)

20 December 2015

Advent, Seasons, Series, Teaching

As we have wandered through the stories behind the stories of the gospels and their composition and connection to the church, life and our own histories, it seemed appropriate to think about how the stories that are told about the birth of Jesus would fit within this new understanding. So considering the writings of the…

The law of four – part 3

13 December 2015

Advent, Seasons, Series, Teaching

We saw in the first week of this series that one of the places that we see the law of four is in every great story ever told as well as in the story of our own lives – the pattern of (1) Hearing the summons; (2) Enduring the obstacles; (3) Receiving the prize/favour and finally (4) Returning…

The law of four – part 2

8 December 2015

Advent, Seasons, Series, Teaching

This week in our Law of Four series, we looked in more detail at the four Gospels, and particularly the connection and relation of the first three Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) – why we call them the Synoptic Gospels, and how over the last 150 years we have developed a better understanding of the…

Epiphany – the nativity in the Gospel of Matthew

4 January 2015

Christmas, Epiphany, Seasons

So we arrive at the feast of the Epiphany and the customary three wise men make their way from their hiding place elsewhere on the sanctuary or in the sacristy to their appointed places in the manger nativity scene, joining the shepherds, angels and animals in adoration beside the holy family. All very standard and…

Journey and Encounter on the Road to Emmaus

4 May 2014

Discipleship, Easter, Radio Program, Seasons, Teaching

In the final chapter of the Gospel of Luke, chapter 24, there are three stories about resurrection appearances of Jesus: all of them take place on that first day of the week – the first Easter Sunday, and all of them take place centred on Jerusalem. In this well-known story of the road to Emmaus we…

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